Are you ready for some chili!

It's that time of year ladies and gents. It's time to plant mums, put out your pumpkins and light those spice candles. It's also the start of chili season at my house. Every year to celebrate the return of football I make a huge pot of delicious chili. Although I'm not much of a football fan, I do love the food involved with the season. Chili, soups, pretzels, chips and dip....YUM-O!

This morning I was so excited to plant some mums and play in the cool rain. This afternoon we are lounging around with the scent of chili in the air. I know football isn't until tomorrow but chili is always better the next day. So we'll have our bowls tonight and save the best flavor for tomorrow!


  1. there's at least 3 different kinds of beans in that chili!

  2. i love the mums! they look so eager to bloom.
