Baby birds and scary crows

The baby birdies hatched this week. I went to take some pics of them yesterday and momma wanna to peck my eyes out. Okay, so I exaggerate. Really she just flew me around by my hair. Luckily I was able to snap at least one shot.

Last weekend we made a (not so scary) scare crow for the garden. It's not totally finished but I think it's pretty funny. Some things in the garden are really taking off. The peas, mixed greens and squash look great. Some of the corn has even started to pop up. Aside from the weeds, so far things are looking good. Hopefully in a few months we'll have yummy produce to share.

In other news, the tulips tress and rose bushes have started to bloom. I just love flowers and plants. Being out in the yard makes me so happy. As much as I love fall and all it's beauty, there's nothing like when the grass turns green and the flowers start to bloom.

1 comment:

  1. That scare crow scared me!

    Can't wait to see the tulip tree blooms again.
