My dear friend over at The 8th Child has started a weekly blog titled "Lost, Found or Hand-Me-Down". I have been meaning to play along but keep forgetting, don't have the time, blah, blah, blah. Well today is the day. My "Lost, Found or Hand-Me-Down" is the soon to be lost dragonflies.
For some reason, everywhere I have looked the past couple weeks, I have seen something to do with dragonflies. They have been on TV shows, Internet articles and even this past weekend Tim and I were sitting in the yard relaxing and noticed a huge colony of them dancing around the sky. They were so much fun to watch and even listen to.
I visit treehugger.com pretty regularly and what did I stumble across today...you guessed it, dragonflies! Check out this slide show of beautiful dragonflies near extinction.
great job FBomb. i think this fits very well.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny you should post about that. This past Sunday, we saw a HUGE dragonfly at Josh's parent's house. It was no longer alive, but it was beautiful. We took it inside for Carol to mount and frame.
ReplyDeleteThat's crazy Angela! See, they are popping up everywhere these days. You'll have to have Carol take a picture of it once it's mounted.